Distance Drivers

Distance Drivers:


Star Destroyer – “The Avery Jenkins Signature Edition Star Destroyer is my go-to Long-Range Driver that has a very consistent high-speed turn to a controllable, straight flight pattern and offers slow-speed stability with a predicable fading finish. It has incredible speed and amazing downrange glide that enables it to cover lots of ground for maximum distance. I recommend this Disc to Players in all Levels of Competition, from Advanced to Professional.”


Pro Destroyer – “The Pro Destroyer is my competition distance disc. I keep a stack of these JUST for distance competitions. I know I have an advantage when I throw it, because I trust it, and they have more glide for me than any other disc. It doesn’t hurt that I throw really far anyway. One day, I will break the World Record with this disc.”


Star Wraith – “A very fast, ultra long range distance driver that maximizes distance shots. I use this disc for long range straight, stable driver and longer turn over shots, it also makes a great long distance roller. It is a very controllable distance disc that is great for players of all skill levels from Amateur to Professional.”


Star Xcaliber – “A very long range, stable distance driver that is very predicable and a disc that you can always count on in any condition. I use this disc for controllable power shots and long range hyzers that I want to finish left at the end of the flight. An amazing all-around distance driver that can handle lots of torque and arm speed of top professional players, ideal for throwers with lots of power. It is the next stage in flight stability as it is more stable than the Destroyer. Its a definite Professional Level Distance Driver.”


Star Max – “A very predicable, fast long range overstable driver. All the speed of a Xcaliber with a little more stability. I use this disc for long overstable drives and long range forehand drives, great in all wind conditions. It is designed for more experienced players with powerful backhands and sidearm throwers. It is the next stage in flight stability as it is more stable than the Xcaliber. Its a definite Professional Level Distance Driver.”

All Distance Drivers Max Weight: 174-175 grams

For more information on these Discs or other Distance Drivers available go to: InnovaDiscs.com

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